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Our Team

At Staffish, we are a team of passionate HR professionals and recruiters dedicated to sourcing the right candidates and bringing new life to teams. We oversea (pun intended!) your HR processes fractionally and work with you and your team to ensure a great experience.

Group Seflie

We believe in the power of collaboration and building strong relationships with our clients. We also believe in treating others as we want to be treated, we have fun doing this thing called work, and we produce excellent results. As HR pros, we provide a range of services that fit your hiring needs and company culture. 


We are unique because we thrive in helping small companies. We are project based, charge by the hour instead of really ridiculous high placement fees, and have built a reputation for being able to work with people at all levels. No job is too small, we like the goldfish as much as the sharks!  

Our happy clients include:


Lift Ventures


Vicki's Little Rascals

Sawteeth Carpentry


Wild Hope Therapy


Baby Builders

Sienna Charles 

ProWorld Tennis Academy

Farbex Construction

Panel the Planet


Planet Optima Construction

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